Mrs. Doubtfire


Description of the Film

Mrs. Doubtfire is about a caring but somewhat permissive father (played by Robin Williams) who has just been through a brutal divorce. He has been told that he will have limited time with his kids. His ex-wife Miranda (Sally Field) then tells him that she is hiring a housekeeper while she is at work. He takes this opportunity to disguise himself and apply for the role as an old woman named Mrs. Doubtfire. This is so he can spend more time with the kids (even if they don’t know its him at first). There are also complications because he has to deal with her new boyfriend as well!

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This film has one of my all-time favourite actors in it-I love Robin Williams!! I think I have mentioned on the blog before that Hook was the film that started Verity and mine’s film watch, we love both of these films. Robin Williams gives a wonderful performance as an old lady as Mrs Doubtfire, his old lady voice is fabulous!  Sally Fields performance in this film is also really good I love that she has so many facial expressions and brings a lot of layers to her performance.

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There is a lot of humour in this film that I love. Some of my favourite moments are the times Daniel is prank calling Miranda with fake nanny applicants. Although we could maybe do without the “I used to be one” transphobic line.

However, my favourite line is “AHHHH LAYLA GET BACK IN YOUR CELL! DON’T MAKE ME GET THE HOSE!!!” then innocently after, a very polite “hello” - it just cracks me up even typing it!   Another favourite moment is  the scene where he’s trying to cook and has things way too hot on the stove. He leans over to try the hollandaise sauce and his prosthetic boobs catch fire. He sniffs the sauce and goes this “this hollandaise sauce smells like burnt rubber!” then notices his boobs are on fire, screams and puts them out!

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What is interesting is I read the book by Anne Fine when I was about 12 years old. The book is actually very sad, and I didn’t find it funny at all. I was quite disappointed reading the book after seeing the film. Again watching this film as an adult, I can see that even though there are a lot of funny moments in the film, it is actually very sad as well as being very amusing.  I like that the film is able to bring so much humour into the film as well as adding layers of sadness. I also heard that there were several deleted scenes that were removed because they were deemed too heart-breaking for a family film.

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When I was a little girl watching this film I was always on Daniel’s side during the film. However watching this film as an adult, I can now see both parent’s sides of the divorce, in terms of I can completely understand why Miranda was angry. I do think that she decided she wanted a divorce way too quickly and she was quite unfair to him during family court drama. I am still far more on Daniel’s side than I am on Miranda’s side, but I like that watching this film years later I can see that the film shows both perspectives. This is important to me as this makes it seem like no one is actually really the bad guy in this film.


What I didn’t like

I think the thing that I dislike most about this film is Miranda’s new boyfriend (no disrespect to Piers Brosnan he did what he could do with the part). I thought that part of the film was a bit too rushed and Pierce Brosnan’s character was difficult to like sometimes when he was trashing Daniels character. Then again, he was shown to be good with the kids and seemed close with Miranda. The character was also  too underdeveloped.

 Another thing I didn’t like about the boyfriend subplot was that Daniel as Mrs Doubtfire kept manipulating Miranda into feeling guilty or giving her second thoughts about having a relationship so soon after getting divorced. As long as the kids approve and get along well with the boyfriend, in my opinion Miranda should be allowed to date whoever she wants. I do understand that some of the times Daniel manipulated Miranda were meant to be funny and do show that he is flawed character as well. I do see why he was jealous though but he also took it too far putting pepper on the boyfriends jambalaya. 


 Verity’s views

Leading on from Rowan’s words re the jambalaya, as the spokesperson for anaphylaxis on this blog (thank you forever to my nut 🥜 allergy), Pierce Brosnan chokes on the jambalaya, he does not have an allergic reaction. Having said that, it’s not the least plausible thing in this movie, so let’s move on.

I love this film so much. It makes me feel warm and happy and hugged and like things will be ok, and then it socks you in the stomach with how achingly sad it is as well. Rowan and I used to watch Robin William’s films on repeat when we were kids- Hook, Jumanji, Flubber, Aladdin and Mrs Doubtfire. To us, he could do no wrong. He is just so good in this, and hits every emotional and comic beat . Heck, everyone is good in this- Sally Field, the social worker lady who gets too much cream in her coffee, all three of the kids (Bonjour mini-Matilda), Harvey Feldstein, the whiskey-addled TV boss. Oh actually, maybe not Pierce Brosnan. Our Mum has always harboured a severe and unexplained dislike for Pierce which I seem to have porously inherited. Also, as Rowan’s said, his character is underdeveloped, and has a small-dick car-

“Well, they say a man who has to buy a big car like that is trying to compensate for smaller genitals.”  This line went over our heads 20 years ago. ANYWAY, in conclusion to this thought, screw you Pierce Brosnon character.

 Rowan is totally right that as you get older you completely sympathize with both parents more. For all the silly comic set pieces (the telephone exchange, the boobs being set on fire, the final table-hopping Daniel/Mrs Doubtfire showdown), it’s hugely emotionally aware and nuanced and makes you cry every time. It has several wonderful messages about empathy, family, love and understanding, as well as the potently wise “Carpe dentum. Seize the teeth.” 10000/10 for Mrs Doubtfire 👏 👏 👏 one the bestest of the 90s films. ❤️


Conclusion and rating

This was a film I loved as a little girl and it hold’s a lot of nostalgia for me today. I can see that it is a flawed movie though and is maybe not as good as I thought it was as a little girl (It’s still really good). The film is still remarkably close to my heart though. I think in terms of nostalgia I would give it a 9 out of 10. In terms of how good it is as a film I think maybe a 7 1/2 out of ten. Yikes my heart is telling me I’ve given it a too lower ranking! Its telling me to give it a 10 out of 10 for both! Although I do think this film is not perfect and if I’m being honest with myself it is not quite 10 worthy. I still love this film though. Verity will probably massively disagree with me on this.


V: Yes, you’re wrong, I’ve put above it’s 10000 out of ten.


Our texts back and forth:

 Me: Dramatic music.

Verity: Figaro!

Me: He’s so talented!!! Birdnapped!

Verity: He’s so good.

Me: Beak cancer. That’s true.

Verity: I think they have banned smoking in kids tv.

Me: Although it is his job to read the script.I do agree with him though


Me: Matilda before she was Matilda

Verity:  He’s asking for strippers  and he’s 12!

Me: That’s worrying

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Me: To be fair parenting is meant to be teamwork and the rules are meant to be the same for both parents.

Verity: Yes exactly. Not pitting against each other.

Me: I do think she was a bit unfair with no party though

Verity: Yes that’s way harsh!! Jump around! TUNE!!!!

Me: I can see why she would be angry though. You ate my begonias!

Verity: The cake!!!!!

Me: Donkey ate cake.

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Me:  I heard Robin Williams was particularly good with kids.

Verity: Yes, you can tell I think.

Me: Yes, it is I have to say I was always on his side as a little girl. But I do see her side now.

Verity: She’s ended it very quickly. Have they not had this conversation before? Ouch

Me:  I also think they should have done something fairer too like they could have sold the house split the money 50/50 and downsize to two smaller houses. That way he could have got a better place to stay.

Verity: Yes  I agree.

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Me: I do think she said she wanted a divorce so quickly.

Verity: That’s awful.

Me: I should point out family court is brutal.

Verity: You’d think she’d be kinder. Also if he has no job why isn’t he taking care of them after school buuuuulshit. This is not fair!

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Me: Don’t ask for a green card.

Verity: That was so good

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Me: Did you know the reason why Robin Williams was so good at voices was because  he was a very lonely kid as no one would play with him so he made up voices to keep himself company. That just breaks my heart.

Verity: Oooft ☹.

Me: Kids can be so cruel

Me: Mara Wilson is sooo cute. Now that is awful! I’m on his side about this. No need to bring the kids into this.

Verity: They’re really not nice to each other.

Me: She could have done those things first. That was a little rude. I am more on his side.

Verity: For sure.


Me: Oh my gosh hahahaha!

Verity: This is my favourite bit!

Me: Little slams around!

Verity: Transphobic. 

Me: Yes. Don’t make me get the hose. I am job.


Me: Oh my gosh that voice.

Verity: SO GOOD!

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Me: He looks better as a woman than I do

Verity: No don’t be silly

Me: Barbara Streisand. Wow so artistic

Verity: I was a fullback

Me: Wow he’s changed his tune. I agree with Lydia. This house would be worth a bomb!

Verity: A BOMB!!! YES!

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Me: She had a stick up her butt. Is he wearing magic knickers? Not complaining.

Verity: I think so.

Verity: These kids

Me: Those haircuts. Oh no

Verity: Ohhhhhhhh nooooooo  HEELLLLLLLOOOOOOOO!!!!

Me: Hahahaha

Verity: Why wasn’t I an only child?

Me: His brother is wonderful.

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Me: Old fashion tv

Verity: Lol deep sea

Me: Gosh she’s like Granny

Verity: Hahahahahah. Hilarious

Verity: He needs to turn the pans down. This is stressful

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Me: She’s so cool

Verity: Broke my bag bastard

Me: Trying to compensate for something

Verity: Looool

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Me; It is sad. It is a bit soon, but it varies from person to person. He is being unfair

Verity: Yes 😊

Me: Thirteen year old doing a spelling test really?

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Verity: THIS IS RUDE!!! Did you pick up on any of this when you were little?


Me: Woah nice bikini. That is not nice but at least he cared about the kids.

Verity: Such a funny splat noise

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Me: T rex. This would have kept me entertained as a kid! Spaghetti!

Verity: Oh for sure! Spaghetti!

Me: Now that is controlling

Verity: For sure

Me: I do get his side however she should be entitled to date who she wants as long as the kids approve. Matilda got very cute lisp.

Verity: Yes quite.

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Me: Really a posh restaurant that has smoking and non smoking? Clint Eastwood.

Verity: That was allowed back then.

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Verity: This is RUDE how did we miss this when we were young.

Me: I want pizza random thought.

Verity: Oh my gosh me too all the time. I was just thinking none of them seem to be having pizza.

Me: He’s right . I do think it’s important not to patronise kids.

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Verity: This is ludicrous 😱!  This is painful.

Me: Wooh.

Verity: I can’t bear it oh my goodness it’s so embarrassing.

Me: Allergies!

Verity: It’s all unravelling. I’m a hip old granny. This is worrying.

Me: Dance to you drop.

Verity: He’s not having an allergic reaction. He’s choking.

Me: That could have been extremely dangerous.

Verity: Very much so. I killed the bastard! Work with me ! Oh gosh! Urgh oh god I cant bear it! It’s really hard to watch  this as an adult.

Me: Ew.

Verity: THE WHOLE TIME!!!!

Me: I can see why she’s angry.

Verity: Toooootally .

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Me: Watching this film as an adult it’s so sad but also I do see both sides as I said before as a kid I was always on his side but I see her side as well now.

Verity: Yes for sure ☹

Me: What he did was very wrong but he was desperate. I like the outfit she’s wearing.

Verity: Same actually 


Verity: He’s letting her HAVE IT. He called her Mrs Doubtflyer 😊

Me: Lol


Verity: Yay!!!! 😊 😊

Me: That’s what the should have done to begin with!!!

Verity: YESS preach Rowan. Tell it to the choir!

Me: I don’t think they heard me at the back

Verity: Hahahahahahahahahah!!!!! Take it to the chorus.

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Verity: This is so sad ☹☹☹☹

Me: It is so sad but at least they put the kids first


The End

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